Tuesday 18 April 2023

Bringing the Outdoors In: Office Plants and Indoor Plant Rental for a Healthier Workspace

 As we spend more time indoors, the importance of creating a healthy and welcoming work environment has become increasingly evident. One way to achieve this is by incorporating office plants into your workspace. Not only do plants add aesthetic appeal, but they also offer numerous health benefits. In this blog post, we’ll explore the advantages of having plants in the office and discuss the benefits of indoor plant rental.

The Benefits of Office Plants

Improved air quality: Plants have the ability to remove pollutants from the air, making them an excellent addition to any workspace. In fact, a study by NASA found that certain plants can reduce the level of harmful toxins in the air, including formaldehyde, benzene, and trichloroethylene.

Reduced stress levels: Plants have a calming effect that can help reduce stress and anxiety levels. In addition, the presence of plants in the office can help promote feelings of well-being and improve mood.

Increased productivity: Research has shown that employees who work in offices with plants are more productive and have higher job satisfaction compared to those without plants. This may be due to the fact that plants help reduce stress and create a more relaxed work environment.

Aesthetic appeal: Plants add natural beauty to any space, and can make a dull workspace feel more vibrant and welcoming. They also offer the opportunity to incorporate different textures and colors into the decor, which can help create a more visually appealing environment.

Types of Office Plants

When it comes to choosing plants for the office, it’s important to consider lighting, maintenance requirements, and the overall aesthetic of the space. Here are a few types of plants that are commonly used in office environments:

Low-light plants: These plants can thrive in areas with minimal natural light, making them a great option for offices that don’t receive much sunlight. Some examples of low-light plants include the snake plant, pothos, and ZZ plant.

Succulents and cacti: These plants are known for their ability to store water, making them low-maintenance options that are perfect for busy offices. They also come in a variety of shapes and sizes, which can add visual interest to any workspace.

Flowering plants: If you’re looking to add some color to your office, flowering plants are a great choice. Some popular options include the peace lily, African violet, and orchids.

Large statement plants: If you have a larger office space, consider incorporating a statement plant, such as a fiddle leaf fig or monstera. These plants can help create a focal point in the room and add a sense of drama to the space.

Indoor Plant Rental

While purchasing and maintaining plants can be a rewarding experience, it can also be time-consuming and costly. That’s where indoor plant rental comes in. By renting plants for your office, you can enjoy all the benefits of having plants without the hassle of maintenance and upkeep.

Indoor plant rental companies offer a variety of plant options, as well as maintenance services to ensure that your plants stay healthy and vibrant. In addition, renting plants can be a more cost-effective option, as you won’t have to worry about purchasing and replacing plants that may not thrive in your workspace.

Maintaining Office Plants

Whether you choose to purchase or rent plants for your office, it’s important to properly care for them to ensure their longevity. Here are a few tips for maintaining office plants:

Watering and fertilizing: Plants should be watered regularly, but not over-watered, as this can lead to root rot. In addition, fertilizing plants can help them thrive and stay healthy.